Touch, Gesture & Voice
Tablets, game systems, smart phones and application like Siri all suggest a trend away from the inefficiencies of the keyboard for virtual interactions. Touch, Gesture & Voice are some of the more “natural” ways learners will access and immerse themselves in learning experiences.
Opportunity Statement
Learning technologies venture opportunities in Touch, Gesture & Voice are bountiful in that the introduction of marketable versions of these new interfaces is very new and pedagogically appropriate design applications are still few and far between.
Prediction Source(s):
Posted in: Emerging Markets Poll
Dave Horn 9:24 pm on May 8, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
We are implementing a 1:1 technology plan with iPads starting in 2012 and these tools provide many of the gestures, voice, and touch tools that learners are familiar with, but I think that the spaces they learn in also represent areas for development in tactile and voice interactivity.
Danielle 7:14 am on May 10, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
As of September, 2012, each of the federally run tertiary institutions will require all new students to purchase an iPads in an effort to “transform higher education in the UAE so that students are motivated and engaged in their own intellectual development and achieve higher standards of success” leaving faculty with the intimidating yet thrilling task of learning how to use the iPad as a pedagogical device.
bpgore 7:50 pm on May 10, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I am presently at a 1:1 school where they are also offering Ipads to teachers who are wiling to investigate their classroom use. I am a math teacher with a science background and I value learning through doing. This is not always easy in math, but I think that there is something out there that can help the students immerse themselves in learning rather than spectating. Using other senses can only make learning more interesting which in turn fosters curiosity.
mariefrancehetu 11:11 am on May 12, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
This is probably the subject that is of most interest to me. Because I am interested in a holistic approach to online teaching and learning, the idea of being able to complement text-based asynchronous forums with touch, gesture and voice elements is exciting. Finding adequate design applications that provide these elements within course design or LM sytems would certainly be a challenge – but well worthwhile!
kimnoel 5:45 pm on May 12, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
This is the area in which I would be most interested in.
Currently, I am advocating class sets of iPads for my K-6 school, as I see the use of touch and voice as allowing learners to beome more actively engaged.